
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

I had a small inner crisis today. For some reason it was really bothering me that I did not have plans for Valentine's Day. In years past all of my single friends and I have done something fun for Valentine's Day, so it has never bothered me that I do not have a boyfriend to share it with. This year a lot of my friends have significant others, so I was out of the loop. As though this day needed to be any different from any other day I felt huge urge to have plans. I NEEDED to be busy tonight. Maybe I was so desperate for something to do because a lot of my friends are beginning to settle down. No longer am I just one of the crowd of single people, I now stick out. Slowly a lot of my friends are dating and finding the people they are going to spend the rest of their lives with and I am left alone. Very seldom do I feel this way, but once in a while, especially on a day like today, do I feel the need to be wanted. I know that God is in control of my life and there is a purpose for everything but some days I get the itch to want to take control. Then He quickly tugs at my heart and reminds me that He is the expert and knows what He is doing. I am pushed back to reality and realize the foolishness of my worries. But every so often...I feel that surge of loneliness. But God provides and knows my anxieties. Not long before panic set in did a friend call with plans to include me and a roommate decide to push her plans back for a night. He's amazing how on the little things that we think may be insignificant to us, He knows our heart and will take care of our every need! Peace. Mel

"Without God the heart is dead, the heart must be awakened for it to fulfill its purpose."


At February 17, 2008 at 11:21 PM , Blogger Jessica said...

Girl, you are precious. I just love you. Seeing you grow up (that makes me officially sound OLD!) and turn into the beautiful college student has been so great. You are not only beautiful on the outside, but you are an amazing woman of God with such inner beauty that it can be overwhelming. I am so glad you are blogging. I can't wait to read more.


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